API Endpoint


Note: Few elements in the endpoint may change from service to service.

Name Description Limits Required
name Template Alias Name N/A yes
language Language to send the template in. Default en N/A No
header_params Only one header replace variable value. N/A Yes incase template contain having the header variable
header_params.type Replacing the header media type : text, image, video or document. If image, video or document type value then payload inside required the url parameter, else text parameter Yes incase template contain having the header variable
body_params Up to 1024 characters for all parameters that are predefined template text, if authentication template has only one replace variable value. Up to 1024 characters for all parameters and predefined template text Yes incase only template contain having the body variables
meta This block contains all additional information N/A No
tags opt-out the message based on the tags. N/A No