Send Notification Using SMS Channel

Send Notification Using SMS Channel

HTTP Methods

POST - When you send a POST request with the end user’s phone number to the messaging subresource, We sends the SMS message you specify.

Country code is mandatory to be included in the to paramenter.

	"channels": [{
		"name": "sms",
		"from": "SENDER",
		"meta": {
			"service":  "T" ,
			"template_id": "1234XXXXXXX",
            "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]
	"recipient": {
		"group_id": "{segment_id}",
		"to": ["91XXXXXX", "91XXXXXX"]

Example Response

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Message Queued successfully",
  "data": [
      "id": "a418d672-9781-4d97-b517-a56f7d95ad8a",
      "channel": "sms",
      "from": "SENDER",
      "to": "9190199xxxxx",
      "credits": 1,
      "created_at": "2021-06-18 14:48:06",
      "status": "AWAITING-DLR",
      "foreign_id": "your-message-id"


Name Description type Required
channels This block contains information related messaging channel array Yes
name Name of Messaging Channel. Ex: sms string Yes
from Sender or From Number number Yes
meta This block contains additional information related to messaging channel map Yes
service Sms Service Name. Default takes the first enabled sms service. string Yes
foreign_id Custom id for reference from customer. string No
type The SMS to be sent is Unicode, Normal or Auto detect. (value “U”, “N” or “A”) string No
recipient This block contains contacts information related to channel list Yes
group_id Segment id which contain list of phone numbers string or array Yes if to param not present
to Receiver mobile numbers : text array Yes, if group_id not present
template_id DLT registered template id. int No (applicable for indian routes only)
entity_id DLT registered entity id. int No (applicable for indian routes only)
max_units The maximum number of units to be sent in the message ex:(value 2 or 3) int No
tags opt-out the message based on the tags. string No

Note : The recipient block inside channel is related to particular communication channel and it is optional. The outside recipient channel contain common recipients for every channel.

HTTP Methods

It will support only POST requests.

API Endpoint

Note: Few elements in the endpoint may change from service to service.


Example Request With Text Message


Name Description Limits Required
payload Messaage Payload section N/A Yes
to Destination mobile number with country code NA Yes
text Message Content you want to send Max 4096 Characters Yes